Saturday, March 12, 2016

Family Systems Therapy

Key Points:

  • Alderian Family Therapy

     Therapy Goals:

    Enable parents as leaders; unlock mistaken goals and interactional patterns in family; promotion of effective parenting 


    • Family constellation
    • Typical Day
    • Goal Disclosure
    • Natural/Logical Consequences

  • Multigenerational Family Therapy

    Therapy Goals:

    Differentiate the self; change the individual within the context of the system; decrease anxiety 


    • Genograms
    • Dealings with Family-of-Origin Issues
    • De-triangulating Relationships
  • Human Validation Process Model

    Therapy Goals:

    Promote growth, self-esteem, and connection; help family reach congruent communication and interaction 


    • Empathy
    • Touch Communication
    • Sculpting
    • Role Playing
    • Family-Life Chronology

  • Experiential Family Therapy

     Therapy Goals:

    Promote spontaneity, creativity, autonomy, and ability to play 


    • Co-therapy
    • Self-disclosure
    • Confrontation
    • Use of Self as Change Agent
  •  Structural Family Therapy

    Therapy Goals:

    Restructure family organization; change dysfunctional transactional patterns 


    • Joining & Accommodating
    • Unbalancing
    • Tracking
    • Boundary Making
    • Enactments
  • Strategic Family Therapy

    Therapy Goals:

    Eliminate presenting problem; change dysfunctional patterns; interrupt sequence 


    • Reframing
    • Directives and Paradox
    • Amplifying
    • Pretending
    • Enactments

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