Saturday, March 12, 2016

Postmodern Approaches

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Key Points:
  • Solution Focus
  • Positive Orientation
    • looking for what is working, not problem-focused
Therapy Goals:
Goals are unique to each client and are constructed by the client to create a richer future. Solution-oriented therapy offers several forms of goals: changing the viewing of a situation, changing the doing of a problematic situation, and tapping clients strengths and resources.

Therapeutic Thechniques:
  • Pretherapy Change
  • Exception Questions
  • The Miracle Question

  • Scaling Questions
  • Formula First Session Talk
  • Feedback to Client
  • Terminating

Narrative Therapy 

Key Points:
  • Narrative Focus
  • Role of Stories
  • Listening with an Open Mind
Therapy Goals:
A general goal is to invite people to describe their experiences in new and fresh language to open up new vistas of what is possible.

Therapeutic Techniques:
  •  Questions and More Questions
  • Externalization and Deconstruction
  • Search for Unique Outcomes
  • Alternative Stories and Reauthoring
  • Documenting the Evidence

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