Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Feminist Therapy

Key Points:
  • View on Human Nature
    • androcentric
    • gendercentric
    • heterosexist
    • deterministic
    • intrapsychic orientation
  • Gender-fair approaches
    • flexible multicultural perspective
    • interactionist
    • life-span perspective
  •  Rational-cultural theory
  • Principles of Feminist Therapy
    1. the personal is political
    2. commitment to social change
    3. woman's and girl's voices and ways of knowing are valued and their experiences are honored
    4. the counseling relationship is egalitarian - egalitarian relationship
    5.   A focus on strengths and a reformulated definition of psychological distress
    6.  all types of oppression are recognized
Therapeutic Goal:
To empower all people to create a world of equality that is reflected at individual, interpersonal, institutional, national, and global levels; to create the kind of society where sexism and other forms of discrimination and oppression are no longer a reality. Feminist therapy strives for transformation not only for the individual but for society as a whole.

  • Empowerment
  • Self-disclosure
  • Gender-role Analysis
  • Gender-role Intervention
  • Power Analysis
  • Bibliotherapy
  • Assertiveness Training
  • Reframing and Relabeling
  • Social Action
  • Group Work

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