Thursday, March 3, 2016

Psychoanalytic Therapy

Key Points:
  • Structure of personality:
    • ID
    • EGO

  • Conscious and Unconscious mind

  • Anxiety
    • Reality anxiety: the fear of danger from the external world

    • Neurotic anxiety: the fear that instincts will get out of hand and cause oneself to do something that will cause retaliation

    • Moral anxiety: the fear of one's own conscience

  • Ego-Defense Mechanisms
    • Repression
    • Denial
    • Reaction formation
    • Projection
    • Displacement
    • Rationalization
    • Sublimation
    • Regression
    • Introjection
    • Identification
    • Compensation

  • Development of Personality
    • Psychosexual stages
      • Oral stage
      • Anal stage
      • phallic stage
      • genital stage

Therapeutic Goals:
 The ultimate goal of psychoanalytic treatment is to increase adaptive functioning, which involves the reduction of symptoms and the resolution of conflicts.

  • "Blank-Screen" Approach
  • Transference
  • Working-through
  • Free Association
  • Dream Analysis
  • Interpretation

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